AMERICAN COCKROACHIn larger urban buildings American cockroaches are found in dark, damp and warm places. They frequently congregate in groups in more or less open spaces, rather than in cracks and crevices. They are often found near steam pipes, in sewers, grease traps, floor drains, pipe chases, damp basements and similar places. They are also common in the sanitary and storm sewers of most cities.
As with German cockroach management, it is important to do a thorough inspection. A trap survey may be necessary in difficult or special situations before any management procedures are attempted. |
GERMAN COCKROACHGerman cockroach's are the most economically important urban pest throughout the World. It is the most common cockroach species in houses, apartments, restaurants, hotels and other institutions. In some areas, larger cockroach species such as the smoky-brown cockroach can be more of a problem. The oriental cockroach or some other species may also be more common in certain situations, especially infesting around or under the premises and frequently moving indoors. However, the German cockroach is by far the most common and important species infesting our homes and institutions AND THE HARDEST TO CONTROL
ORIENTAL COCKROACHIn many areas oriental cockroaches are generally found outdoors during warm weather. In periods of drought there may be considerable movement into structures, apparently in relation to humidity gradients. There may be considerable group movement within heated structures during cold weather.
Oriental cockroaches prefer dark, moist areas such as under porches, crawl spaces, basements and floor drains. They may be found outdoors in abandoned cisterns, water valve pits, in bark mulch under shrubs around the foundation, in stone walls, and in garbage and trash dumps |
Sanitation and Exclusion
Sanitation and exclusion are the first things required for this type of roach. If you eliminate food sources, moisture or their harborages, it will put such pressure on the roach population, leading to better results with your pest control measures. Sanitation and Home Repairs:
Although the American roach has many places to habitat outside, it will enter if there is an entry point.
Much of the discussion on where cockroaches will harbor was written particularly with the German cockroach in mind. This species is most commonly found near sources of food, water, and warmth. This is particularly true of the small nymphs. The larger nymphs and adult males are known to range more widely inside infested buildings. Adult females forage for food and water in a manner similar to the males, except during the few days before the egg capsule hatches. During this time they will forage very little.
When inspecting for cockroaches, thoroughness is the golden rule. Check places such as cracks and crevices, under tops of tables, behind and under sinks, in cabinets, the motor compartments of refrigerators and soft drink dispensing machines, underneath the bases of kitchen equipment or pallets which are set on the floor, in switchboxes and fuse boxes, underneath cafeteria counters and soda fountains, in food carts, in cash registers and telephones, in vegetable bins, around meat counters and check-out stands, under meat cutting blocks, and almost anywhere else conditions are favorable. It is impossible to list all the places where cockroaches may live and hide, so you must inspect thoroughly and use judgment and roach "thinking" to find all of the harborages.
When inspecting for cockroaches, thoroughness is the golden rule. Check places such as cracks and crevices, under tops of tables, behind and under sinks, in cabinets, the motor compartments of refrigerators and soft drink dispensing machines, underneath the bases of kitchen equipment or pallets which are set on the floor, in switchboxes and fuse boxes, underneath cafeteria counters and soda fountains, in food carts, in cash registers and telephones, in vegetable bins, around meat counters and check-out stands, under meat cutting blocks, and almost anywhere else conditions are favorable. It is impossible to list all the places where cockroaches may live and hide, so you must inspect thoroughly and use judgment and roach "thinking" to find all of the harborages.